A friend posted on Facebook yesterday asking why artists are their own worst critic. It was a timely question as I was working on Elida and second guessing small stitches, pleats, and gathers; occasionally wondering why I ever gave up my dependable career for the rogue creative life. Looking at Elida after hours of working on her, I was only able to find her flaws. But those flaws are what are essential to the primitive tradition and in morning's light- I only see Elida's prim beauty.
Second guessing keeps me humble and reminds me that I must trust the journey. Every doll starts out a blank slate with layers of oddity. Paint mistakes abound and need to be reworked into the design. Thank God for gesso and sandpaper! Lips are especially difficult for me. There's always one stitch that sends my brush awry and out comes the sandpaper again! The early stages of my dolls look like pasty zombies.
When it comes to the finery- I prefer layers of linen and lace. Wee legs are crafted of vintage linen. Elida's bloomers are made from an old linen napkin, her underskirt is also vintage linen topped with a scallop-hemmed calico print. I machine stitch the basic dress forms but the remaining tucks, gathers, and hems are all done by hands- usually in layers as I custom fit the dress to the doll. Anyone who wants to take apart my designs should be prepared to spend hours un-doing wee layers of tiny threads stronger than any industrial glue.
Originally Elida was going to wear some black leather boots made from an old Coach jacket. The leather was soft and supple but didn't turn as easily as I had anticipated. Currently those boots are half turned, torn and have been chucked into the back garden in a fit of frustration. Elida opted for the painted boots :)
She still needs her top skirt, her hair to be needle felted in place and a few last stitches but Elida will be complete by time I go to bed tonight. She has a February 1st engagement and she will be on time, by God! I might not rest my head until 3 am, but she will be done!
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