There was a time when a trip to the pediatrician was exactly that: a trip to the pediatrician. Usually it was to get yet another doctor's note for school to explain away the usual absences associated with school age children and their germy ways. I always took along a stitching project because my hands would (and still do) go stir crazy if left idle for more than 2 minutes. But Baby Girl is now 17, and when a routine doctor visit took a turn for a nightmare in 2011, with an unexpected need for open heart surgery, there hasn't been a routine doctor visit since.
When I brought Baby Girl lunch at school just before noon yesterday I knew something wasn't right. She was shaky and grey, complaining of abdominal pain. Within the hour the school nurse would call and one look at Baby Girl doubled over on the couch- I knew it was going to be a loooong visit at the doctor's office. Grabbing my car keys, cell phone, wallet, and the nearest craft project- we bolted out the door.
This is routine now. Pain will subside, tests will be run and we will wait for results. This is when I pull out my stitching to pass the time. It helps with nervous energies as well. A mother's mind is keen at imagining the worst possible outcomes in a doctor's office if left to wander in the sterile box of a waiting room. Armed with a blank wool bunny I made earlier this week from an up-cycled coat, and some natural wool roving from Milltown Primitives, I begin the calming work of needle punching polka dots. Slowly, bunny grey is coming to life as Baby Girl is resting.
More spots will be added as we venture to the ER with what looks like appendicitis. Even more spots will be added as appendicitis is ruled out and another battery of tests is performed. Slow little perfect circles sculpted in place with the needle as Baby Girl is wheeled back in to the room. On the outside she and I are tough as nails. Inside we are freaking out at the idea of another surgery. Polka dots are finished up just before the final diagnosis of "possible" appendicitis and we are sent home to keep watch.
And this is how bunny grey got his spots :)
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